Blade is an Alchemist/Herbalist (Potion Master) so if you need any pots or stuff, just gimme a shout and I'll tell you the mats or rustle them up if I have time.
For those of you unsure, Potion Master means that when I make potions I have a chance that I'll create multiple potions from 1 set of materials. So if you get me the mats for 20 mana potions I'll likely make 24-28 out of those 20 mats worth.
I can also do a wide variety of transmutes (Primal Might and both types of Meta Gem) though you'll need to get me the mats cos they're bonkers exspensive.
Runes is a Tailor(Shadowcloth specialization) and Enchanter. I know pretty much the same stuff as Althur, but I can do +12 stam on boots and +35 agil on 2 hander, and can't do +15 spell dmg on bracer or +12 agil on boots.
Runes is also a pretty good cook/fisherman, so if you want some type of raid food I can make it. I have every recipe except the one for Stormchops and thats not raid food in any case (it makes you randomly zap mobs with lightning, not good around crowd controlled mobs). Just let me know what you want and I'll see what I can do. I may charge for some foods because the materials are a MASSIVE pain in the ass to get.
Peace and Chicken Grease